Just a friendly reminder that as of June 30, creating new or editing existing ETAs is no longer a possibility. You can review the announcement from Google here.
PPCGreg brought up an issue to Google Ads liaison Ginny Marvin on Twitter yesterday about not being able to fix a “Destination not working” on an ETA and received this response:
Final URLs in ETA’s can no longer be edited, but if the site/URL experienced an issue that caused the “destination not working” disapproval, you should be able to go through the standard manual appeal process once the URL is back working as intended.
— AdsLiaison (@adsliaison) July 18, 2022
ETA’s will continue to serve. You won’t be able to edit ETAs, including the URL. If you run into an issue where the destination isn’t working, you should probably remove the ad, or switch to RSA’s. Alternatively, as Marvin points out, you can wait until the URL is working again.
Why we (still) care. If you decide to leave your ETAs on, be sure to keep a close eye on them. It wouldn’t surprise us if more ETAs start getting disapproved in a last-ditch effort by Google to get everyone to switch over.
The post Reminder – you can no longer create or edit ETAs appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Source: Search Engine Land